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A Reflection on Baking During the Holidays

Around this time every year, we enter a golden period for baking. Sure, we love cake and cookies throughout the whole year — but there’s something special about having a slice of pumpkin pie after the Thanksgiving feast. There’s something so beautifully nostalgic about Christmas cookies or latkas during the holidays. Why does baking mean so much to us during these next few weeks? We’ll give our hypotheses below.

Celebration: From November until December, there’s a lot to celebrate. The upcoming holidays remind us of the importance of family, friends, and loved ones. Thanksgiving has us reflect on our past and celebrate the things to be thankful for, while New Years has us look to the future with hope. Culturally and historically, pastries have long been a way for people to celebrate. Since baked treats are indulgent, they’re meant to be saved for the times truly worth celebrating – as much as we’d love to have cake every single day of the year, there’s a reason why we don’t. These baked goods are special to us during this time of the year since it’s a time we all celebrate life.

Giving: One of our favorite parts about the holidays is giving our friends and family delicious baked treats. We love to proudly show off our delicious pies during Thanksgiving or drop a tin box of cookies off at our neighbor’s. Baked goods are such sweet (pun definitely intended) presents because there’s an assumption of the amount of time the baker spent to create the treats. For example, when we give Christmas Cookies as presents, not only do our family, friends, and coworkers love the taste of the cookies, they subconsciously know that you put time into making those delicious cookies. You put time into decorating them.

Collaboration: Baking can be such a fun activity to do with loved ones. It’s a time when family and friends can get together with a common goal of creating something delicious. It’s something you can do whether or not it’s snowing (not gonna happen here anytime soon), raining, or sunny. And when you and your fellow bakers are done baking, you’re left with a delicious prize. Baking parties are always fun!

We hope you and your loved ones find the time to bake this holiday season. But if you can’t find the time to bake, we’ll be here waiting for you with delicious holiday treats at the ready.

3 Reasons Why Autumn is the Best

The dog days of summer can be pretty bittersweet. Kids go back to school and days become shorter. However, at Rossmoor Pastries, we 100% embrace the fall. In fact, it’s one of our favorite seasons. Here are just a few of the reasons why.



1. The Holiday Ramp-up: OK, OK. We get sick of seeing Christmas decorations go up in September too. BUT, autumn marks the beginning phase of some of our favorite holidays: Thanksgiving, Black Friday (hah), and Hallo-freaking-ween. As a matter of fact, Halloween and Thanksgiving are some of our favorite holidays — period! With all the incredible pastries, of course we’d love those two holidays. Check out our Halloween-themed goodies; they’re as delicious as much as they are adorable.



2. Pumpkin Everything: Even though we’re not officially in autumn yet, we might as well be since Starbucks has already started selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes© this year. In fact, the Season Committee is even considering making that the official start of the harvest season (just kidding). But for real, there are just so many awesome treats you can get that are pumpkin-flavored, especially from Rossmoor Pastries. Our classic Pumpkin Pie is simply your best choice for satisfying your autumnal dessert itch.



3. Cooler Weather and Rain: Californians tend to freak out in the rain, but isn’t there still something so wonderful about the weather? We at Rossmoor Pastries like it because baking is especially fun while it’s raining and cold out. But it’s equally fun to curl up with a hot cup of coffee, a book, and a Rossmoor Pastry’s Donut. For the next rainy day, we recommend dropping by for a donut (or two) and coffee. Hang out in the Shoppe or take it home and read that book you’ve been meaning to get to. Now that’s how to pull off a perfect rainy day.


So in case you can’t tell, we’re pretty excited. We hope you are just as hyped as we are for the fall!